Setup a IMSI-Catcher with a HACKRF in Kali linux
This program shows you IMSI numbers, country, brand and operator of cellphones around you.
/!\ This program was made to understand how GSM network work. Not for bad hacking ! :)
What you need: One computer, one USB DVB-T key (RTL2832U) with antenna (less than 15$) or a OsmocomBB phone or HackRF.
Install IMSI-catcher:
For Ubuntu
/!\ This program was made to understand how GSM network work. Not for bad hacking ! :)
What you need: One computer, one USB DVB-T key (RTL2832U) with antenna (less than 15$) or a OsmocomBB phone or HackRF.
Install IMSI-catcher:
For Ubuntu
ethical hacking