Forensics Investigation of Facebook, Skype, and Browsers in RAW Image using IEF (Internet Evidence Finder)

Internet Evidence Finder is designed to find Internet-related data or files on a hard drive as part of a digital forensics investigation. In this regard, the purpose of this application really contrasts the simplicity of its design.


  • Browser Activity
  • Instant Messaging
  • Chat Apps
  • Social Networking
  • P2P File Sharing
  • Web Search
  • Search Toolbar
  • Media Files
  • Webmail
  • Cloud Drive Mapping

First Download IEF from here and install the IEF & open the tool IEF. Now click images first.

Select the image file to load & click on open option.

It will show the image file. Click on Next.

Click on ok.

Now it will show the location and search type .Click on next.

Select the items which are to be investigated. Click on next

Click on browse to select the destination folder. Assign the case Namecase no. & Examiner’s name.Click on find evidence.

Now it will show us the processing status.

After process completion, IEF report. Now click on FaceBook URLs. It will show all the FaceBook URLs with date and time.

By clicking on Google Analytics URLs, it will show the details of URLs with page title and host name.

Now click on Google search, it will show the URLs with original search query.

By selecting Skype Chat Message, it will show the Message and identifier.

Now select FaceBook Chat Option. It will show the FacBook chat message.

By selecting FaceBook status update. It will show the updated status.

By clicking on any one of the Browser activity option such as opera/360 safe browser. It will show opera history.

By selecting IE inPrivate/Recovery URLs. It will show IE history.

Suraj Virus

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